Our Work

The work of Shark Advocates International (SAI) is based on twenty years of shark conservation achievement. We put a premium on perseverance, accuracy, and productive collaboration. We benefit from solid working relationships with the world's leading shark scientists as well as representatives from other conservation groups, governments, diving clubs, animal rights organizations, aquariums, and fishing associations.

SAI braves the toughest policy arenas to secure the most meaningful measures for shark (and closely related ray) species.  Our goals include:

  • International fishing limits for sharks and rays through regional fisheries bodies
  • Protection for particularly threatened shark and ray species, such as:
    • Porbeagle sharks in the North Atlantic
    • Hammerheads and oceanic whitetip sharks in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico
    • Sawfish in the Caribbean and Meso-America
    • Giant devil rays and guitarfish in the Mediterranean
  • Stronger finning bans at the US, EU, and international levels
  • Continued recovery in US Atlantic shark and ray species, such as spiny dogfish, dusky sharks, and barndoor skates
  • EU fishing limits on oceanic species, such as makos and threshers
  • Management of developing fisheries on species such as blue sharks, smooth dogfish, and cownose rays
  • Additional listings for sharks under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
  • Regional shark conservation plans under the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS).